TTo encourage and arrange for scientific and engineering training in the vernaculars of the respective provinces of India, for which it will actively co-operate with societies or associations with similar objectives.
To send any of the members of the Society to receive training in any place in this country or abroad. To grant Diplomas or Certificates to the members who are eligible tor same by experience and/or general qualifications.
To bring into the fold of the Society all the Scientists, Engineers, Technologists, Architects of India and facilitate the exchange of ideas and informations on these subjects amongst the members of the Society.
To promote the interest of the members of the Society as well as that of the country in every possible way.
To take cognisance of any invention or discovery made by any one and try to work it to success. To encourage industries to promote Indegenous know-how in the fields of scientific and engineering lines.
To take up village reconstruction work including sanitary work.
To improve agricultural work of the Country on scientific and technical lines.
To do prospecting and exploration work.
To organise and hold exhibitions of articles manufactured in the country as well as foreign products to enable the public to realise the utility of adoption of machinery and scientific methods of production.
To do all other works as will benefit the Society or the country in any way.
To promote the advancement of the science and engineering and profession of engineering in all their branches.
To promote research and development work in science, engineering and technology.
To impart technical advice to indegenous industries in export trade or selling up projects abroad.
To advice on selection of technical hands for Indian or Foreign organisation or bodies.
To assist entrepreneurs in setting up technical ventures.
To impart advice and suggestions to the Government or local bodies or corporations in all technical or scientific matters.