Its several Recommendations on related matters as forwarded to the Governments of India and West bengal in past years including the following:
- National Policy for Engineering & Technology (1970)
- Energy Research Council (1975)
- Process of Agricultural Sector (1975)
- Transportation Infrastructure (1977)
- Rehabilitation of Flood Victims (1978)
- Electric Power of India (1980)
- The Eighties and Eradication of Poverty and Unemployment (1980)
- Import Substitution Towards National Economy (1981)
- Power Problem and Unemployment Problem (1981)
- New Sources of energy (1981)
- Pollution Abatement in the Metropolies of Calcutta, with Specal Reference to Gaseous Fumes from Burning Coal, Diesel Fumes from Diesel Engine etc. (1984)
- Development in Jute Industry (1990)
A few of its Publications are as under :
- Building Materials (1943)
- Workshop Manual (1943)
- Mineralogy, Petrology & Economic Geology: Table (1943)
- Practical Trigonometry (1945)
- Solid Mensuration (1945) Modern Lettering (1947)
- Chemistry of Engineering Materials (1948)
- Practical Mensuration (1948)
- Structural Engineering (1948)
- Garbage What the City can Recycle to the Country (1975)
- Calcutta is (1978)
- Steel Industry in 6th Five Year Plan (1981)
- Fans, Pumps & Compressors (1981)
- Engineers& Managers Unite (1987)